Scalp Micro-Pigmentation for


Scalp Micro-Pigmentation for Women

We get a number of enquiries asking “Is Scalp Micropigmentation just for men?”. Scalp Micropigmention is a suitable and effective solution for both male and female clients.  

Female pattern baldness is also known as androgenic alopecia.   It is similar to male pattern baldness except that women lose their hair in a different pattern to men, usually starting at the parting.  Hair at the temples may also recede. 

 A female is more likely to experience female pattern baldness if their mother or father have experienced hair loss. Hair loss in females is usually the result of an underlying endocrine condition however environmental and lifestyle factors can have an impact.  

Female hair loss is more common after the menopause affecting approximately two thirds of women.  Less than half of women over the age of sixty five will still have a full head of hair.  Eight million women in the UK experience some form of hair loss (2019).

If want to join the hundreds of others that have benefited from this life changing treat, book a consultation with us today.

Scalp Micropigmentation Examples

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